Friday, September 14, 2012

Human Figure - Hand and Feet

Ok so we have done the basics in the previous few articles. In case you missed those click here, here, here and here.

Also there was a long list of books you needed to refer to and stuff you needed to read and watch. If you haven't watched or read them click here.

It's important that you do the above because the articles are just the cream of what you need to study to crack the design and architecture entrances. So do that if you want to be bang on with the college of your choice.

For Hand and Feet the basic idea is to practise various positions and sizes coupled with different textures to perfect the right hand and foot.

So firstly draw a rough shape of the position you want to place your hand/foot in.

The idea is to use basic geometrical shapes to get the right proportion and perspective and then slowly and steadily carve out the hand/foot.

Here's a hand tutorial

Click here for the most awesome hand tutorial ever.

Here's a foot tutorial

Click here for the most awesome foot tutorial ever.

Keep practising!!

Loads of art

-Team CrackDesign