Thursday, June 14, 2012


English is the currency of the world and mostly english is not of a very difficult level. But the english section still is extremely difficult because it is highly time consuming and irritating. 

Exams usually test students on the basis of comprehension and verbal ability such as Synonyms, Antonyms, Syllogisms etc {NIFT} whereas others would like you to use your imagination and give creative inputs {NID}. However, AIEEE B. ARCH does not test you on the basis of your verbal ability.

So here's how to get english done.

First read read and read. Read till you can't read any more. If you can't bring yourself to read novels read a comic but read like hell. Read the newspaper, read a magazine, read the back of a Lay's packet for god sake. And while you are at it interpret everything from start to end. Try to make sense of it. And over a period of time your speed will increase. 
Concentrate on the basics. Make sure that even when you speak you do not create grammatical errors. Then  subconsciously you will avoid them in your paper as well.

Finally, there's just one book that you need to do. It's the best in the business and it's not necessary for you to do it from start to end but make sure that you are comfortable with this section and you do not fear english.

For your entire english section channelize your energy into OBJECTIVE ENGLISH FOR COMPETITIVE EXAMS - BY HARI PRASAD, UMA SINHA  

English is one of the most scoring parts of the paper for NIFT and it will help you in NID too. So give it your best shot.

Team CrackDesign

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